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Wind energy financing tools

Vol. 3, No 1a, 2010



An environmental management system as an information system


Małgorzata Sej-Kolasa



Abstract. Functioning the environmental management system depends mainly on the flow of information, what means that it can be included into the group of information systems. Each information system (including an environmental management system) is the set of unique, connected processes, called information processes. A single, certain process is usually connected with other information processes within this system or many information systems. These connections concern legal basis, organizations, common information norms, sources of information, users. In this article traditional model of environmental management was compared with the process approach with particular concern about semiotic and economic aspect.  


Keywords: environmental management, information, information processes, information system, the cost of information.


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PhD Małgorzata Sej-Kolasa

Assistant Professor, PhD in Economics

University of Economics in Wrocław Poland




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