Vol. 4, No 1a, 2011
NEW Public Management in building the quality of health services
Agnieszka Bukowska-Piestrzyńska
Abstract. The aim of this article is to indicate the selected opportunities that New Public Management provides for the creation of extra-medical quality in public health service units in the area of customer service. It presents the substance of medical services quality (a special emphasis being made on extra-medical aspects of medical services) as well as the idea of New Public Management in the functioning of public subjects on the basis of the subject literature analysis. This will enable to point out the importance of changes of the employees’ mentality (being in consistence with the New Public Management philosophy) in the customer-oriented approach towards patients of public health service units.
Keywords:New Public Management, quality, health services.
JEL Classification: M14, I19.
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Agnieszka Bukowska-Piestrzynska, Ph.D.
Institute of Economics
University of Lodz