The Origin of Fatalistic Tendencies: an Empirical Investigation
Vol. 6, No 2, 2013
Gabriele Ruiu Ph. D. in Economics Temporary research fellow Department of Economics and Business |
The origin of fatalistic tendencies: an empirical investigation |
University of Sassari, Via Muroni, 25, 07100, Sassari (SS), Italy E-mail: |
ABSTRACT. We maintain that fatalistic tendencies are the output of the interaction between cultural factors (and in particular of religion) and historical institutional experiences. This idea has been empirically tested using World Value Survey data. We find that a more regulated society tends to be also more fatalistic. At the same time, also religious beliefs and their interactions with the institutional framework seem to be an important element determining fatalistic tendencies. For what regards the direct effect of religious affiliation on fatalism, we find that there are not large differences across the various faiths. In other terms, being religious independently from the religious affiliation implies a more fatalistic view of life.
Received: May, 2013 1st Revision: August, 2013 Accepted: October, 2013
DOI:10.14254/2071-789X.2013/6-2/10 |
JEL Classification: Z12, Z13 |
Keywords: culture, fatalism, institutions, religion, Weber, Durkheim. |
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