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Determinants of Satisfaction of the Employees of Local Government Units

Vol. 6, No 2, 2013


Krzysztof Błoński

Marketing Department

Faculty of Economics and Management

University of Szczecin, Poland

Determinants of satisfaction of the employees of local government units



Bartłomiej Jefmański

Department of Econometrics and Computer Science

Faculty of Economics, Management and Tourism

Wrocław University of Economics, Poland



ABSTRACT. This article attempts to identify factors influencing the satisfaction of employees of the local government units on the basis of surveys conducted. To measure satisfaction of the Local Government Units (LGU) employee there are used 23 variables scaled using an ordinal five grade scale. In order to reduce and group the number of variables an exploratory factor analysis was used. Its use allowed us to isolate four factors, which were: cooperation in the provision of services, career development stability, relationships with superiors and material working conditions. Then there was checked the fitting of the hypothetical factor model to the covariance matrix of observable variables and estimate of the parameters of the factor model using the confirmatory factor analysis.


Received: May, 2013

1st Revision: June, 2013

Accepted: October, 2013



JEL Classification: J28, C38, J45

Keywords: Employee satisfaction, local government units, factor analysis, Poland.





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