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A Path Model of Attitudinal Antecedents of Green Purchase Behaviour

Vol. 6, No 2, 2013



Prof. Carlos Peixeira Marques

PhD in Management

Department of Economics, Sociology and Management

A Path Model of Attitudinal Antecedents of Green Purchase Behaviour

University of Tras os Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal



Danny Almeida

MSc in Management

University of Trasos Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal



ABSTRACT. The focus of this paper is propose and test a model of the effects of specific attitudinal constructs on the frequency of green purchase behaviour (GPB). Consumers’ confidence, competence, and effectiveness are operationalized by a path model hypothesizing both direct and mediated effects of these antecedents on GPB. The measures are obtained from a survey of a representative sample of 419 undergraduates and analysed in a structural equations model framework. The frequency of green purchase behaviour depends on subjective knowledge of green issues, which is a direct consequence of consumers’ beliefs in the effectiveness of green behaviour, and an indirect consequence of consumers’ trust on claims made by green advocates. Results confirm the crucial importance of credibility of green marketing and the concomitant need for strategies to overcome consumers’ distrust.


Received: March, 2013

1st Revision: June, 2013

Accepted: September, 2013





JEL Classification: M3

Keywords: Green Marketing, Green consumers, Consumer behaviour, Consumer distrust, Path models.




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