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Centre of Sociological Research

University of Szczecin (Poland)

Széchenyi István University, (Hungary)

Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)

Alexander Dubcek University of Trencín (Slovak Republic)

Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)

American Sociological Association
European Sociological Association
World Economics Association (WEA)

Results of the Economic Transformation in the Social Consciousness of Russians
Roman Anisimov,
Department of Sociology,
Russian State University for Humanities (RSUH),
Moscow,Russian Federation,
Results of the economic transformation in the social consciousness of Russians
E-mail: ranisimov@list.ru
ABSTRACT. The economic transformation of Russia gave birth to a number of negative effects, such as shadow economy, corruption, increasing bureaucracy. These phenomena are explained by economics and sociology as deviant, aberrant. The causes of these phenomena are explained either by history (the Soviet past), or by psychology (culture shock). These explanations ignore the existence of a society with its own structure, laws, functions. This article attempts to fill this gap. An attempt is made to prove that the negative phenomena in the current economic model are "normal" – functional. This explains the economic transformation of Russia and allows to rethink systematically role and place of the negative phenomena in society of reforming countries.
Received: June, 2014
1st Revision: September, 2014
Accepted: November, 2014
JEL Classification:A13, A14, Z13
Keywords: market reform, economic transformation, informal personal interactions, adaptation, latent function, “network society”.