Dillemas of Modern Motherhood (Based on Research in Russia)
Vol. 8, No 4, 2015
Anna Kuleshova
Managing Editor of the journal “Public Opinion Monitoring: economic and social changes”, VCIOM
Kuleshovaav@gmail.com |
Abstract. This work analyses the main problems of motherhood that are connected to the influence of globalization and its challenges (one the example of Russia). It is based on a ten-year long participants’ observation that was conducted by the author via motherhood social networks. An attempt to determine socio-humanitarian definition of “motherhood” is made. We make emphasis on planned maternity as key factor to describe new motherhood scenarios such as Glamour motherhood, problematized motherhood, Professional, Feminist and Cyber motherhood and highlight new motherhood types. This work provides a review of such globalization challenges as Global chains of care and Work-life balance. Author offers an approach to create the index of globalization of motherhood and childhood in order to introduce reference values for researchers. Several problems for future research are listed in the conclusion together with introduction of time structure method as one that looks very perspective and relevant for it. |
Received: May, 2015 1st Revision: October, 2015 Accepted: November, 2015 |
DOI: 10.14254/2071-789X.2015/8-4/8 |
JEL Classification: Z130 |
Keywords: motherhood, globalization, family, children, Russia. |