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The Use by Large Polish Organizations of Information about CSR Activities in e-Recruitment

Vol. 10, No 2, 2017

Kinga Wołodźko,


University for Finance and Management,
Warsaw, Poland,


The Use by Large Polish Organizations of Information about CSR Activities in e-Recruitment


Jacek Woźniak,


University for Finance and Management,
Warsaw, Poland,






Abstract. One of the advantages of e-recruitment is broadening the scope of information used to improve the organization’s image; information about the organization’s Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) is a tool usually recommended for this. The article proves that e-recruitment tools and CSR information are less widely used by the largest Polish companies than the public believes, and that such information could improve employer brand. Two types of data are used: the results of an e-survey concerning the perception of company attractiveness as an employer, based on its CSR activities (a sample of 1054 young Polish professionals and students), and direct observation of 300 websites of the biggest Polish enterprises. Less than 30% of the biggest companies publish information about their CSR activities on their websites, while for about 2/3 of potential candidates, such information would attract them to submit their application to this company (ceteris paribus). No gender difference were found.


Received: November, 2016

1st Revision: March, 2017

Accepted: May, 2017


DOI: 10.14254/2071- 789X.2017/10-2/4

JEL Classification: L25; J2; J210; J230; M51

Keywords: CSR, CSR in Poland, e-recruitment, employer branding, ITC methods in HR.