Vol. 2, No 1a, 2009
Determinants of agriculture
development in Ukraine
Yuriy Bilan, Jarosław Korpysa
Abstract.On the situation of rural inhabitants at the labour market the factors like quality of education, professional qualifications, financial situation, sources of profit, case of forming of alternatives places of work are influencing. The proper diagnostic will allow to accept the actions which will pretend to be the professional activation of rural inhabitants. Analysis is based on empirical data derived from Statistical Office in Tarnopol for the period 2002 - 2007, and also on results of the survey examining rural population living in Tarnopol region.
Keywords: Socio-economic determinants, results of the survey,rural population, Ternopil region.
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2. M. Kłodziński, Aktywizacja społeczno – gospodarcza gmin wiejskich i małych miast, IRWiR PAN, Warszawa 2006.
3. Data Bank of District Statistical Office in Tarnopol.
Dr Yuriy Bilan
Department of Microeconomics
University of Szczecin, Poland
Dr Jarosław Korpysa
Department of Microeconomics
University of Szczecin, Poland