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Structural Equation Models Applied for Evaluating Service Quality and Satisfaction in the Healthcare System of Cartagena de Indias D. T. y C. (Colombia)

Vol. 11, No 2, 2018

Juan Carlos Vergara Schmalbach,



University of Cartagena,

Cartagena, Colombia,


Structural Equation Models Applied for Evaluating Service Quality and Satisfaction in the Healthcare System of Cartagena de Indias D. T. y C. (Colombia)


Francisco Javier Maza Avila,


University of Cartagena,

Cartagena, Colombia,




Abstract. This research attempts to answer which is the most recommended structural equation model (SEM) technique while evaluating healthcare services’ quality in Cartagena de Indias city (Colombia). CB-SEM and PLS-SEM techniques were used in this paper for comparing the results in the local context. For assessment, robust weighted least squares with mean and variance adjustments (WLS) for CB-SEM technique and PLS-SEM with centroid scheme were utilized. Data were collected with a final valid sample of 582 adults aged over 18 years, residents of Cartagena city. Also used was a questionnaire designed in three parts: demographic profiles, quality perceptions (overall quality services, infrastructure, coverage, and access), and satisfaction levels. In terms of quality, the findings reveal that infrastructure and access have a significant effect on service quality levels and this variable has a strong effect on satisfaction for both techniques. In term of structural equation model (SEM) techniques, the results indicate that coverage does not present a significant effect on service quality only in CB-SEM technique. In this case, the positive association between coverage and overall services quality was rejected. Both techniques were validated with different results, concluding the applicability of CB-SEM and PLS-SEM in this context.


Received: February, 2018

1st Revision: March, 2018

Accepted: May, 2018


DOI: 10.14254/2071-789X.2018/11-2/14

JEL ClassificationC12, C35, I11, P46

Keywords: Service quality; Structural Equation Model; Healthcare service; Partial Least Squares SEM; covariance-based SEM, Colombia